GraphQL Enum doesnt work

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Current behavior

When I select the Generate GraphQL Enum checkbox in the field editing section:

I would expect the schema to reflect it, however the schema for this field is still a String (or an array of Strings):

environments: [String!]

Expected behavior

I would expect the schema to be something like

environments: [Environments!]

Minimal reproduction of the problem

App: 1501


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Version: [VERSION]


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it only works when all enum values are valid graphql names.

I do not remember the regex, but I remember:

  • Must start with letter (A-Za-z)
  • Cannot have “-”
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is it documented anywhere? i have a field which conforms to the rules you mentioned but it doesn’t seem to work anyway, perhaps you could provide the regex?

maybe instead it should strip out special characters and capitalise them? then the clients can resolve them back to their original version

I will add it to the hint.

The official spec is this one:

maybe instead it should strip out special characters and capitalise them? then the clients can resolve them back to their original version

I tried that, but I had a few problems with it, that I don’t remember to be honest. I think it was the mapping from uppercase to the original names.

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Hey, me again, about the enums - do you not think that this spec is a little limiting? I would like to be able to produce an enum in the schema but for the UI I would use some nicer looking texts. Having to replace spaces with underlines makes it unusable, thoughts?

AS I said, I could not find a solution, but of course, sooner or later you have to say “It is not worth it, I am going to stop my investigation here”