I wanted to set a filter for the query of assets.
var data = await _apiClientManager.CreateAssetsClient().GetAssetsAsync(
new AssetQuery
Filter = filter,
OrderBy = orderBy
I need different assets with a certain content in the metadata.
I tried the following without success:
$“metadata/key eq ‘value’”
$“metadata/key/iv eq ‘value’”
$“any(metadata/value eq ‘value’)”
is there a trick to filter assets by metadata?
Greetings Andreas
No, this should work.
I have added a test to the API tests:
// STEP 1: Create asset
var asset_1 = await _.UploadFileAsync("Assets/logo-squared.png", "image/png");
// STEP 2: Query asset by pixel width.
var assets_1 = await _.Assets.GetAssetsAsync(_.AppName, new AssetQuery
Filter = "metadata/pixelWidth eq 600"
Assert.Contains(assets_1.Items, x => x.Id == asset_1.Id);
// STEP 3: Add custom metadata.
asset_1.Metadata["custom"] = "foo";
await _.Assets.PutAssetAsync(_.AppName, asset_1.Id.ToString(), new AnnotateAssetDto
Metadata = asset_1.Metadata
// STEP 4: Query asset by custom metadata
var assets_2 = await _.Assets.GetAssetsAsync(_.AppName, new AssetQuery
Filter = "metadata/custom eq 'foo'"
Assert.Contains(assets_2.Items, x => x.Id == asset_1.Id);
ok, if you know that it’s great!
Thank you