Filtering content data

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Hi Sebastian,

I have a few queries related to filtering of content

  1. I want to filter my content based of some condition on attribute of referred content available as reference.
    ex: I want to display the shows for the movie(reference) having shows for next week

  2. I want to display filter content from unfiltered content having any of the given value from a list of values
    ex: I want to display the shows for a movie from given list of movies

Kindly let me know if any of these is currently available in cloud version or how can we implement this on our local version!


1 I want to filter my content based of some condition on attribute of referred content available as reference.
ex: I want to display the shows for the movie(reference) having shows for next week

This is not directly possible, but you can solve it with graphql the reverse direction:

Something like this:

query {
   queryShowContents(filter: "data/date/iv gt <MONTH_START> and data/date/iv lt MONTH_END) {
     data {
        movie {
            data {
               title {
  1. I want to display filter content from unfiltered content having any of the given value from a list of values
    ex: I want to display the shows for a movie from given list of movies

If you do not want to filter the shows something like this is possible

query {
   queryMovieContents(...) {
      referencingShowContents {

If you want to filter the shows as well then there should be an “IN” operator for the movieId, like this:

$filter=data/movie/id in ('id1', 'id2', 'id3')

for 1st one i think i have given wrong example, I need all the shows of movies directed by “xyz”
where director is property of movie not “shows/director/iv”

It is the same principle:

query {
   queryDirectorContents(filter: "data/name/iv eq 'George Lukas') {
      data {
          movies { 