Error in DigitalOcean Kubernetes Cluster


for a while now I’ve been trying to run Squidex in a kubernetes cluster on DigitalOcean. The pod always starts with the following error An error occurred while reading the key ring. Also there are a lot of those errors A timeout occured after 30000ms selecting a server using CompositeServerSelector.... After a while the app shuts down and the pod is recreated. The mongodb log shows an accepted connection.

To run Squidex in k8s I’ve copied the example from the squidex-docker github repo and only changed some names, env vars and the storageClass. The link below contains the mongo.yaml, squidex.yaml and the complete log from the Squidex pod.

I hope someone can help as I’m running out of ideas.


Looks like it cannot connect to MongoDB.

Thanks, this helped me to pinpoint the problem.
The mongodb replicaset would, for some reason, not initiate, so I used the mongodb helm chart in order to set up the db ->

Also, I had to change the connection strings in the Squidex appsettings to FQDN’s.

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