Empty object (instead of null) in property after first save

I have created property Tags (array of strings) in schema. json:

“hints”:“Producteigenschap tags.”

and used this property in content. figured out that after I cleanup property value in content after fist “save” squidex put empty object (incorrect value) into “tags” value, if I click “save” second time - it will put null (correct value). empty object lead our system to throw exception, because we expected string array or null on backend, but not an empty object.

I’m submitting a…

  • Bug report

Current behavior

tags property equal empty object after cleanup and first content save, and equal null after second (and next) content save

Expected behavior

tags property equal null after it was cleanup an saved

Minimal reproduction of the problem

repro steps:


  • Cloud version


  • Chrome (desktop)

It could be solved better, that is for sure, but it is not a bug that I am worried about. Null and undefined are treated identical in the backend. There is no differentiation.

Hi Sebastian, thanks for quick reaction. agreed, its not a critical issue, but it will be a problem when you expected string[] or null on backend, but got new object() (c#) and will got serialization exception

But this is not the case. In your video i see the following structures

tags: {
   iv: null
tags: {
   iv: ["tag1"]
tags: {

in C# any many other programming languages it should not be a problem. I am not sure if this is a problem for the C# SDK to be honest, I can have a look at it. But I don’t see that an array is suddenly an object. It is either the value, null or undefined.

EDIT: I just had a look to the tests: It should not be a problem with the C# Client Library (SDK): https://github.com/Squidex/squidex-samples/blob/master/csharp/Squidex.ClientLibrary/Squidex.ClientLibrary.Tests/SerializationTests.cs#L170

find out that its a bug in InvariantConverter (in Squidex.ClientLibrary/InvariantConverter.cs). simple fix for this case:

But where do you have this example in your video? I don’t see it.

It must be

tags: null

I recorded this video this morning on our cloud squidex account: https://cloud.squidex.io/

Yes, but where do you have this null example?