Hi Sebastian,
I saw the last commit in the Docker repo was for the docker-compose.yml file.
You bumped up the version to 5.
So I assume this file is the most recent and the one that dictates how a default Squidex installation should look like.
I’m about to upgrade from an image that is about 3 months old to version 5.5 released a couple of days ago and I was wondering:
1. Are these env vars the minimum in order for getting Squidex up and running successfully?
2. In my current config/env var list I have URLS__ENFORCEHTTPS
… I assume I can remove this env var now without breaking anything, correct?
3. Also, I don’t see ASSETSTORE__TYPE
. The default I believe is Folder
, yes? I use MongoDB to store my images so I still would need to override the default setting and set it to MongoDb
4. And can I remove the following env vars from my env list in my Kubernetes yaml? I will most likely never use these.
5. Is the following line for DEV environment? Can I remove it for my PROD environment? What’s it used for exactly?
- ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://+:5000
6. And if needed I can add additional env vars from whatever is in this .json file, yes?