I want to make different content available to different users (say by role) through the API. Is it possible to do this with Squidex or is that something I need to handle myself?
Thanks Sebastian. I did read that.
Before I start I want to say I love Squidex - it’s lightening fast.
Here is what I am trying to do:
- There will be a small number of content authors but a large number of readers.
- Readers will have to login to access content.
- Different content should be available to different groups of users.
- Content will probably have the same schema.
- I am unsure if the readers will be Squidex users - probably not.
- I want the author to choose what content can be seen by what user groups.
- Ideally I don’t want to put the logic of who can see what in the client application - I want Squidex to return the relevant content and if a request was made to access content to which you are not authorised you would get a 401 or 404.
Maybe I am misunderstanding but can the permissions deliver that?
No, this cannot be accomplished with permissions. The minimum level is per schema.
I would just use a tags field for that with a set of predefined values, in your case the roles and then use a checkbox editor so that your content authors can easily select the target roles.
Then just use a simple query, e.g. with OData:
`$filter=data/roles/iv eq 'premium-user``
BTW: Thanks for your warm words
Thanks Sebastian - that makes sense
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