Content > Asset Metadata Info


In the content captured with the help of the Content API, only the asset name appears in the asset field.

“schemaId”: “7e48ff87-296e-4a34-837d-0c2fdd947975”,
“title”: “Saklama Kapları”,
“subtitle”: null,
“href”: “/bowl-C040202”,
“titleColor”: null,
“descColor”: null,
“iconColor”: null,
“image”: [
“ValidBegin”: null,
“ValidUntil”: null,
“ValidationRecursion”: null,
“ValidationDurationUnit”: null,
“ValidationDuration”: null,
“schemaName”: “banneritem”

How can I access the metadata information defined in the panel of the relevant image?

You have two options here:

  1. You fetch all the relevant information via second API call.
  2. You use GraphQL