Clustering TypeCode $1745300498 not supported in the cluster

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Current behavior

We currently have 2 instances of Squidex deployed with clustering enabled. Currently neither instance is coming up and are returning a 504 timeout, upon looking at the logs we’re getting a lot of noise about clustering. Looking at the Orleans_MembershipSingle collection there are 80,000+ members in the document with both server IP addresses and the ports I’m not sure what the numbers after the @ is in the document but I assume it is some sort of timestamp.

Error message:

OneWay S<**REDACTED IP**>:11114:390648236*cli/96169f9e@8b0a1b8d->*grn/68072C12/0+**<REDACTED IP>**:11114@390648236 InvokeMethodRequest 332248380:-1233739522 #142

Exception message:

TypeCode $1745300498 not supported in the cluster

Stack trace:

    at Orleans.Runtime.Catalog.GetCompatibleSilos(PlacementTarget target) in /_/src/Orleans.Runtime/Catalog/Catalog.cs:line 215
   at Orleans.Runtime.Placement.RandomPlacementDirector.OnAddActivation(PlacementStrategy strategy, PlacementTarget target, IPlacementContext context) in /_/src/Orleans.Runtime/Placement/RandomPlacementDirector.cs:line 58
   at Orleans.Runtime.Placement.PlacementDirectorsManager.AddActivation(PlacementTarget target, IPlacementRuntime context, PlacementStrategy strategy) in /_/src/Orleans.Runtime/Placement/PlacementDirectorsManager.cs:line 111
   at Orleans.Runtime.Placement.PlacementDirectorsManager.SelectOrAddActivation(ActivationAddress sendingAddress, PlacementTarget targetGrain, IPlacementRuntime context, PlacementStrategy strategy) in /_/src/Orleans.Runtime/Placement/PlacementDirectorsManager.cs:line 101
   at Orleans.Runtime.Dispatcher.AddressMessageAsync(Message message, PlacementTarget target, PlacementStrategy strategy, ActivationAddress targetAddress) in /_/src/Orleans.Runtime/Core/Dispatcher.cs:line 783
   at Orleans.Runtime.Dispatcher.<>c__DisplayClass39_0.<<AsyncSendMessage>g__TransportMessageAferSending|0>d.MoveNext() in /_/src/Orleans.Runtime/Core/Dispatcher.cs:line 722

Expected behavior

Both servers are accessible.

Minimal reproduction of the problem

Clustering is enabled


App Name: CoreCms

  • [x] Self hosted with docker
  • [ ] Self hosted with IIS
  • [ ] Self hosted with other version
  • [ ] Cloud version

Version: Based on


  • [x] Chrome (desktop)
  • [ ] Chrome (Android)
  • [ ] Chrome (iOS)
  • [ ] Firefox
  • [ ] Safari (desktop)
  • [ ] Safari (iOS)
  • [ ] IE
  • [ ] Edge


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Are both having the same version? I would just scale down to zero, clear the collection and scale up again.

They are both the same version, I shall scale down and try to clear the collection.
