Clone App - Copy content from APP RCI Travel to AWViagens

Hello, how are you? I would like to copy the entire content and structure of the RCI Travel APP to the AWViagens APP. How could I do this for Squidex Cloud?

My access account is:

Thank you very much.

Hi, I just added this to the docs:

Hello @Sebastian I can’t see this option “Administration” in my profile.


Yes, because you are not the admin of the cloud, but there is a section about the cloud.

I am the admin of my account. How do I restore the backup to another project?

It is described in the docs, you have to send me the link to the backup.

@Sebastian follow my link bellow:

Hi, the name is not available, I cannot restore backups in existing apps. Either you choose a new name or you upload your backup somewhere and delete your app. It is described in the docs.

@Sebastian I need to restore these backup into my new app that I created…“awviagens” Are you saying that I need to delete this new app? I just want to create the content of the main application within the new app because it is the same skeleton application with different content.

Yes, the restore system cannot use existing apps, it always creates new apps.

Hello @Sebastian can you try again?

I already deleted the app awviagens
