[BUG] Creating a Subscription for a User

I have created a user, and after that tried to create a subscription attached to it but it gives another generic error.

Fixed and deployed it…

i am unable to continue testing, this bug has been resolved however there is an issue with the plugin script as well

I will have a look, sorry everything is very beta.

I think the problem is the integrated help, it looks like this now:

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <base href="/">

    <meta charset="UTF-8">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">


    <span id="button1"></span>

    <span id="topic1"></span>
    <span id="topic2"></span>
    <span id="topic3"></span>
    <span id="topic4"></span>

        var notifo = notifo || [];
        notifo.push(['init', {
            apiUrl: 'https://localhost:5002',

            userToken: 'l080liyw9j76quqjsbux6oz9xlyvsyfopy4o24kxrzgx'

        notifo.push(['show-notifications', 'button1', { style: 'notifo' }]);

        notifo.push(['show-topic', 'topic1', 'updates/lego', { style: 'heart' }]);
        notifo.push(['show-topic', 'topic2', 'updates/tech', { style: 'alarm' }]);
        notifo.push(['show-topic', 'topic3', 'updates/sport',  { style: 'bell' }]);
        notifo.push(['show-topic', 'topic4', 'updates/games', { style: 'star' }]);


what user token are you using the same as api key for a user ?

Yes, each user has an individual api key.

i understand, and i assume firebase settings should be there, but what credentials are ? google-services.json ?

Yes, But I have mainly tested the in-app notification and push notification for Squidex, Mobile is very experimental.