Admin user account locked out

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  • [ ] Regression (a behavior that stopped working in a new release)
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Current behavior

I am unable to login to Squidex using my admin user credentials. This is the error I received: “Your account is locked, please contact the administrator.”

Expected behavior

The admin user should be able to login.

Minimal reproduction of the problem


App Name:

  • [ ] Self hosted with docker
  • [ ] Self hosted with IIS
  • [] Self hosted with other version
  • [x] Cloud version

Version: 1.3.0 (helm chart version)


  • [x] Chrome (desktop)
  • [ ] Chrome (Android)
  • [ ] Chrome (iOS)
  • [x] Firefox
  • [ ] Safari (desktop)
  • [ ] Safari (iOS)
  • [ ] IE
  • [x] Edge


The setup was deployed using helm chart via terraform with the below configuration.
locals {

  squidex_values = {

    image = {

      "tag" = 6


    service = {

      "type" = "NodePort"


    env = {

      "URLS__BASEURL" : ""

      "URLS__ENFORCEHTTPS" : false

      "IDENTITY__ADMINEMAIL" : var.squidex_admin_email

      "IDENTITY__ADMINPASSWORD" : random_password.squidex_admin_password.result



      "ASSETSTORE__TYPE" : "AmazonS3"



      "ASSETSTORE__AMAZONS3__REGIONNAME" : "eu-central-1",

      "ASSETSTORE__AMAZONS3__ACCESSKEY" : var.aws_access_key_id,

      "ASSETSTORE__AMAZONS3__SECRETKEY" : var.aws_secret_access_key,



    ingress = {

      hostName = ""

      tls = [{

        "hosts"      = [""]

        "secretName" = "squidex-tls"


      annotations = {

        "" = "internet-facing"

        ""      = "alb"

        # ""            = "letsencrypt-prod"

        # ""                    = "true"

        ""    = "[{\"HTTP\": 80}, {\"HTTPS\":443}]"

        ""    = "443"

        "" = aws_acm_certificate.ssl_cert.arn



    mongodb-replicaset = {

      "replicas" = 2




# Setup Squidex

resource "helm_release" "cms-squidex" {

 name            = "cms-squidex"

 repository      = ""

 chart           = "squidex"

 namespace       = "squidex"

 version         = "1.3.0"

 cleanup_on_fail = true

 values = [




Post deployment, the Squidex asked us to create an admin user but in the configuration above, it uses a randomly generated password. I tried both, the random password says that the credentials are wrong. And the custom password used during manual admin user creation says that the account is locked.

Password: PR0dY^4&@Smc

We also see this error in the console: UserManager.getUser: user not found in storage

You can go to the database and reset this flag, but this feature is builtin and I think I cannot change it that easily.

Hi Sebastian, thanks for the quick response. But I am still new to this. Could you kindly specific which flag should be reset?

Btw: I would say that this feature is even more important for admins, because they have the most permissions.

You have to connect to your mongodb instance and go to the IDentity_Users collection.

You can use kubectl port-forward mongo-0 27017:27017 for that (whatever the pod names are) and then connect to localhost, e.g. with studio 3t ( or mongo compass (