502 Bad Gateway - Login Error (docker version)

I’ll test thank you!!

Does it work? It is already late here in Germany.

He ran and stopped the nginx, strange.
Is this right?

docker ps -a
74e050678296 jrcs/letsencrypt-nginx-proxy-companion “/bin/bash /app/entr…” 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes standalone_squidex_encrypt_1
3c5f2e33b7f0 squidex/nginx-proxy “/app/docker-entrypo…” 3 minutes ago Exited (0) 3 minutes ago standalone_squidex_proxy_1
e6a7bcf575ff squidex/squidex:latest “./Squidex” 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes 33333/tcp, 40000/tcp,>80/tcp standalone_squidex_squidex_1
7ebb6f6cec6e mongo:latest “docker-entrypoint.s…” 3 minutes ago Up 3 minutes>27017/tcp standalone_squidex_mongo_1

No, it is not by purpose. I havent had the time to yet to test it. Will do it tomorrow and let you know

Okay, no problem, for today, thank you very much, let’s rest, it’s already late here in Brazil too.
We talk tomorrow
Thank you !

Can you provide me the logs of the new nginx instance?

docker logs 3c5f2e33b7f0
WARNING: /etc/nginx/dhparam/dhparam.pem was not found. A pre-generated dhparam.pem will be used for now while a new one
is being generated in the background. Once the new dhparam.pem is in place, nginx will be reloaded.
forego | starting dockergen.1 on port 5000
forego | starting nginx.1 on port 5100
nginx.1 | 2019/01/28 22:00:29 [emerg] 29#29: unknown directive “proxy-buffer-size” in /etc/nginx/conf.d/my_proxy.conf:1
nginx.1 | nginx: [emerg] unknown directive “proxy-buffer-size” in /etc/nginx/conf.d/my_proxy.conf:1
forego | starting nginx.1 on port 5200
forego | sending SIGTERM to nginx.1
forego | sending SIGTERM to dockergen.1

just realized that it must be proxy_buffer_size

If you want you can try it again. You just have to delete the squidex/nginx-proxy container so that it will be pulled again

Eureka!, Eureca!, Heureka!

Now it worked perfectly!
Now we can sleep better for tomorrow we face new problems!
Thank you one more time!

I am also fine to have a day without new problems :smiley: