404 Error when connecting with Squidex Client

I follow the example on github to connect to my API but I get a 404 Notfound error each time I want to get data.
My Schema is published and I have added data in it.
I use the Squidex Client Library.

SquidexClientManager = new SquidexClientManager("https://cloud.squidex.io", "appname", "appname:global", "...")

        _client = SquidexClientManager.GetClient<SquidexUser, User>("users");
        var user = await _client.GetAsync();

I always get a 404 error with no hint about anything going wrong.

Looks okay to me, do you get an access token?

Access Token ? Please how do I know if I get one or not ?
In debug mode, I ran through the Client and ClientManager properties but didnt see an access token property

Can you send me your code with the client credentials as PM, then I can have a look

Ok, I’m on it. I’ll send it in your inbox.