403 Forbidden error when creating new users through API

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Current behavior

Create user POST request in UserManagement section is always returning 403 Forbidden error, when using admin access token received from clients section in settings (also when i use bearer token taken from chrome developer tools Authorization header, the same request works normally).

Expected behavior

Create user POST request is returning 201 Created.

Minimal reproduction of the problem

  1. Setup squidex with docker
  2. Create new app
  3. Go to settings, clients and get client id and client secret, set role to Admin
  4. Obtain access token from /identity-server/connect/token endpoint
  5. Use that access token to execute CreateUser request


App Name: default

  • Self hosted with docker
  • Self hosted with IIS
  • Self hosted with other version
  • Cloud version


The client section is only app specific, the user management needs more permissions. There are two options for that:

  1. If you are an admin yourself, you can go to the profile page and create a client identifer for your own user.
  2. You can create a client ID using settings or env variables: squidex/backend/src/Squidex/appsettings.json at master · Squidex/squidex · GitHub

Thank you very much! By the way, is there any option to obtain access token for newly created user via API? Or is it somehow possible to get API token using user login and password?

No, this is not possible. Why do you need that?

I am using squidex as a backend server for my content, and I need to see the history of edits for schemas and content with accordance to specific user. Also i will create users automatically, since their accounts already exist in different service. Would it be possible to receive client_id and client_secret for new users through API?

This does not answer my question why you need specific client IDs for users.

I have my own user database, which is stored outside of squidex. And i have my own backend which is using squidex as database. I need users from that database to be able to login to my service and execute operations, like watching and creating schemas and contents. To see the proper history of edits on specific content or schema, operations should be executed by different clients, and i am trying to find a way to create these clients, say one new client for each new user.