2021-05-05 Squidex in Vultr Marketplace

Squidex is now in the Vultr Marketplace. In my opinion it is one of the best hosting providers for VMs and the cheapest.

The goal is to present in more marketplaces, but I wanted to start with something simple. If you have experience with that, your contribution is very welcome.

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Love this … I’m a big fan of Vultr

Just tried out the install. When Vultr lists the steps to follow, it states in step 3:

Execute the setup script with ./setup-squidex.sh.

But that script doesn’t exist, instead there’s a script ./prepare-image.sh, just fyi.

Thx, I will have a look, but I tested it several times. Is there no script in the /home directory?

I just tested it again and it is in the home directory.

I just created one in NJ, and here’s what I see:


To be honest, I am not sure about the linux convention with ~, home and root,

but when you make a cd /home before you execute the script it works for me, I created a new instance yesterday.

the ~/ and /home are basically the same thing as root (EDITED: false)
Somehow it’s getting the prepare-image.sh script (which i see on your github hosting repo), but not the setup script that’s documented … oh, well … (EDITED: crossing out so as not to mislead anyone, see Sebastian’s correction in next message)

Regardless, it’s pretty simple to get up and running with docker-compose and a .env file, so not a big deal.

Btw, S3 compatibility for asset storage works nicely on Vultr Object Storage :slight_smile:

I’m able to easily add custom plugins using PLUGINS__0, PLUGINS__1, etc… in the docker-compose file, pointing to a custom /etc/squidex/plugins directory I can just dump *.dll files into :-). The plugins directory is mounted as a volume, and the assembly is referenced as plugins/Squidex.Extensions.MyExtension.dll for example, and I was able to configure that with a trivial CI build/publish script … Pretty cool

Is there an example floating out there somewhere on creating an API controller that is able to insert / update / delete records inside an extension, and upload assets without using the client manager (which is awkward)? I’m assuming it’s just a matter of injecting the relevant repositories, but maybe you could point me to some sample code for that?

No, it seems that ~ is /root in this case…


About your other questions.

That’s cool, you could provide a PR for the docs :wink:

Please create another ticket for that.

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Oh my! Thanks for the correction! :blush: