Zapier Integration

A few days ago I discovered Zapier.
If Squidex had Zapier implemented, the implantation of new custom rules would be amazing.

Do you think Squidex would benefit from it?


is it really needed to have a Zapier integration? Is it not basically a webhook?


If the usage is from Squidex to third party services the need isn’t too important. However if we start thinking about third party services talking to Squidex I think Zapier would be a great integration and it’s a plus being able to connect squidex with +4000 services with a few clicks instead of code.

And if we enable third party services to talk to Squidex then we can create more complex logic (without coding it).

What do you think?

Good point. So typical actions like CreateContent / CreateAsset? What else?

Sorry for the late reply,

I think that Creating/Updating/Delete Content is essential but it would be great if admin actions were available, Create App (Possibility to create with template), Edit App (For example adding users to the App), I don’t know if it’s possible to create plans with the General API but it would be a nice addition to have that action with Zapier.

According to the documentation delete actions are not recommended.

But I will think about it. This would be a great community contribution.

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