[INACTIVE] Workflow is not saved

The role option was resolved after the fix, but workfkow doesn’t.

Sometimes the workflow saves, in fact I thought it worked. But yesterday I updated the workflow by inserting new roles and I created a new one. The roles set were never all saved, even if I did it step by step.

When you modify workflow 1 then create workflow 2 then unsaved changes get lost

These are the steps I di:

  • I updated workflow 1 adding new roles
  • I saved It
  • I created workflow 2 and saved It
  • I clicked on the refresh Burton
  • I opened the workflow 1 again and many settings were Lost
  • I opened workflow 2 and no role was saved or added.

Please format your code above.

I also cannot reproduce it. It can only happen when you have multiple squidex nodes without clustering turned on.

I deleted the whole app, I created the schemas and the roles again, then I create again the base workflow.
I created new steps and I have bound the steps to the roles and pressed save button.
I wait for the progress bar to finish the operation, then I press on the setting button, and everything disappear from the screen.

My configuration:
Self hosted, One pod, mongodb on replicaset, yaml from GitHUB, persistence storage.

I also made a video, but I cannot attach here.

You can upload it to dropbox or so and then link it.

I will deleted the file in a few hours

From the example I only see changed roles, which could bethe same bug like the other one.

the other bug was that I couldn’t save permissions for a role, and I thought the workflow problem was caused by that, also because I don’t know why the workflow was saved.

Here you mentioned the workflows: [SOLVED] Cannot save Role options

From what I could reproduce it was a pure UI problem with the tag and auto completion editor (both are very similar).

tomorrow I will make pull squidex from docker hub from my sys admin and I will check if the issue will occur again or not

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If it still happens we can have a skype call or so to verify it.

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The system administrator updated squidex this morning, but the roles on the workflow do not associate them.
Curious that the association with the schemas and the options of “when” saves them instead.

The log does not detect any errors

Which version have you deployed?

Hi Sebastian, we are using this docker image

image: squidex/squidex:latest

latest is not the dev version. It is very likely not fixed there.

may i know the dev tag?

image: squidex/squidex:dev

trying this squidex/squidex:dev-4254

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