Redirected to forbidden

If I delete the new app, I can back to the dashboard.

Should I pull down the latest?

You can try that, but you have to build it yourself if you use IIS.

The question is: Why do you get the 403?

No idea :frowning: I wish I knew! I’ll pull down the latest and see what I can get.

Very strange. I haven’t changed anything and it’s working this morning! :slight_smile:

out of curiosity…does that news api route try to access “”? It appears so from the initial review of the code. Yesterday, it was returning a forbidden/not found error message.

Today, it stalls in “pending” state for over a minute. It finally responses with a 500 internal server error. The FeaturesServices has these settings. Should URL be populated from options?

var squidexOptions = new SquidexOptions
                    AppName = options.Value.AppName,
                    ClientId = options.Value.ClientId,
                    ClientSecret = options.Value.ClientSecret,
                    Url = ""

Yes, I have pointed you to the options. But as I said: In the latest version I just ignore errors and then it does not matter. It is not an important feature after all.

Gotcha! I must have misunderstood earlier. Shouldn’t the hideNews stop it from accessing it? Or that for something else?

Yes, I think so. I have done it for a client, but I do not remember the details