No the logs are completely empty. The container is running though, so it’s not exiting due to a crash, but the application simply doesn’t start / serve. I can also jump into the container terminal etc. So everything seems to work, but the application is obviously not running…
Any other setting I could try? I’m running the default docker settup with caddy and localhost domain.
@kaylumah Which version are you running? Is Squidex v7 working on your Mac?
Thanks for checking @kaylumah! So we have the same situation - I tried running dotnet Squidex.dll from within the container but it’s - as expected - the same result. But for me it’s not only logging, the server does not even start, so I’m not able to use Squidex 7 on Apple Silicon for local development. I’d be interested what could have changed between these majors resulting in this behaviour.
I got it to work, by using the image, but without specifying the platform for the docker buildx , or the dotnet publish .
I was not aware that github has mac-os runners. This could be a chance to build mac images in github. If someone wants to have a look it would be really appreciated
Perhaps we can just build multiplatform images from mac?
I tried to build multiplatform images from Mac, but it fails to build “AMD64” platform images due to missing /broken dotnet framework libraries.
I spent several hours trying to solve it, but failed. I would have to set up a VM with Windows and try it out from there, but I’m simply overloaded with “new year” requests from work.
Will try it when I get some breathing room.
P.S. I’m successfuly using Squidex in ARM64v8 targeted image for local development on Mac M1 Max
Ok now I’m confused - are there ARM64v8 targeted images available already? If so, what’s the image name / registry? Because the title of this thread tells something different
Ok I see - so what do need to test the mac os runners via github? Should I test to get the Dockerfile built locally and then translate it into Github action? Where is the Github Action config located?
just wanted to give you a quick update on the progress here. I am able to build a running version of Squidex v7 on arm64. I needed to change the frontend image as well, because Chrome is not supported on arm64, but Chromium is:
FROM node:18.10-slim
ENV CHROME_BIN=/usr/bin/chromium
# Install latest chrome dev package and fonts to support major charsets (Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew, Thai and a few others)
# Note: this installs the necessary libs to make the bundled version of Chromium that Puppeteer
# installs, work.
RUN apt-get update \
&& apt-get install -y chromium fonts-ipafont-gothic fonts-wqy-zenhei fonts-thai-tlwg fonts-kacst fonts-freefont-ttf libxss1 --no-install-recommends \
&& apt-get clean
WORKDIR /puppeteer
# Install puppeteer so it's available in the container.
RUN npm init -y \
&& npm install puppeteer
Afterwards, building both frontend image and finally main image with:
Couldn’t this be solved by making use of the multi platform builds docker buildx is offering? If not, we would probably have to look into the OS X runners you proposed for Github Actions right?
@Sebastian@arm1n I created a pull request to change the frontend to use Chromium instead of Chrome as a first step for multi-platform images. See: I got the Docker image working locally with ARM64 on my M1 Mac.
The Squidex 7 x64-images are apparently not working in Docker Desktop on Apple Silicon (M1) using Rosetta 2 emulation. The Squidex 6 images work fine though…