Login through External Authorization Server

thanks Seb.

Is there anyway we can map the role with its permissions so we dont need to manually add the permissions in the identity server.

I found that in the appsettings.json in Squidex, there are two properties which is oidcRoleClaimType and oidcRoleMapping. So if I config that settings to

"oidcRoleClaimType": "role",
        "oidcRoleMapping": {
            "CustomEditor": [
            "CustomDeveloper": [

Then in my identity server, we just need to add the correct role such as CustomDeveloper or CustomEditor for example.


It is fully working now when I added permission manually in my identity server.

Thank you for your prompt support. It is really helpful

Perfect. I have forgotten the think with the role mapping.

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Hi Seb,

Unfortunately, it is not working as we expected. In particularly, if we add the permissions manually with squidex.apps.{app}.* it is working. But if we add granular permission such as squidex.apps.{app}.contents.pages|posts|articles. then we cannot login and new user is not created.

Also, I honestly dont know how to add multiple permission per user through our Identity Server. At this moment, what I did is

 identity.AddClaim(Constants.SquidexPermissionsClaimName, "squidex.apps.{app}.*", Destinations.IdentityToken);

Could you please have a look and support us?

Many thanks

You can add multiple claims with the same name.

A user has a few implicit permissions as a contributor. I guess you need to add all of them: https://github.com/Squidex/squidex/blob/master/backend/src/Squidex.Domain.Apps.Core.Model/Apps/Role.cs#L17

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so you think the role mapping should work if the permission is defined correctly. I have removed it when I tested with manual adding permissions. I will try tomorrow.

Thanks again.

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I tried but it does not work. I meant after login successfully my identity server redirected me to

http://localhost:5000/signin-oidc (with HTTP 500 error)

. but I cannot login using the user credentials

Here is the generated token from my identity server

  "sub": "b9bdeb49-83db-3f95-75b1-db61e3849612",
  "name": "testuser",
  "email": "testuser@squidex.io",
  "urn:squidex:permissions": [
  "role": "CustomDeveloper",
  "azp": "CoreAppSquidex",
  "nonce": "637853921990736236.OGNkMDExNmEtYzViZS00OGYwLWFmNTAtYTU0ZmNkMDZmZGFkYTIyMDFiNjYtYTNiMy00MzgyLWI0OGMtNmM1YzMyZjcwZWMx",
  "oi_tkn_id": "0b51bc1b-9da2-45c7-a839-4618bda59332",
  "aud": "CoreAppSquidex",
  "exp": 1649796624,
  "iss": "http://localhost:5108/",
  "iat": 1649795424

I expected to see new user is created in my local squidex with those two permissions but it is not :frowning:

Do you have any ideas why it is not working?


Could be a bug, perhaps only one claim of each type is copied over.

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At least I cannot find it by looking at the code. If you can debug it, the relevant part could be this one: https://github.com/Squidex/squidex/blob/59904163016e7e115331128cc1b71fd662cd7ca1/backend/src/Squidex.Domain.Users/UserManagerExtensions.cs#L128

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Hi Seb

I can confirm that I am able to add multiple permissions per an user, such as.


However, I cannot access to the content. It gives me this error when I tried

Other permissions are working well.

Could you please give us supports?


Please do not ask this all the time, I am answering there in the forum, right? :wink:

You can check the Chrome network tab to see which endpoint throws a 403.

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the following endpoint throws exception


The permission for that was on my list :wink:

I thought I did add AppRolesRead permission in my identity server

identity.AddClaim(Constants.SquidexPermissionsClaimName, "squidex.apps.corecms.roles.read", Destinations.IdentityToken);

But it is not part of the screenshot you posted

image is not the same

Sorry, I mean the languages permission. My link is wrong.

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Perfect. It is working now. Also, we know how to debug and trace the permission issues.

Thanks for your support :smiley:

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Related question, but how did you go about setting up SquidEx to use an external auth server?

You have to configure these properties: https://github.com/Squidex/squidex/blob/master/backend/src/Squidex/appsettings.json#L520