Hi folks,
I wonder if anyone has a workflow or concept to model a schema outside squidex without UI and import it into squidex as the creation of a more complex model is quiet time consuming especially in the design / drop and recreate phase. I checked a backup file and in there are all events from creating my schema manually. So would it be an approach to write a kind of “UML” to events converter. Any thoughts or inputs on this?
Salü Sebastian,
thanks for the CLI improvements. The complete folder export is a nice. I will check how difficult it is to export a diagram from https://www.diagrams.net/ into the squidex schema.
Is this functionality live ? I mean is it part of Mac OSX sq cli version 4.3 release. I tried the commands but it seems to not recognise it.
$sq sync template [folder-name]
Specify --help for a list of available options and commands.
Unrecognized command or argument 'sync'
Usage: dotnet Squidex.CLI.dll [options] [command]
-v | --version
Show version information
-h | --help
Show help information
backup Manage backups.
config Manage configurations.
content Manage contents.
info Shows information about the CLI.
schemas Manage schemas.
twitter Manage twitter.
Use "dotnet Squidex.CLI.dll [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Usecase: I want to replicate instances in the Cloud by just exporting and importing the schemas to further create test, staging and prod instances. I see this to be the easiest way to automate replication without causing much manual intervention.