Import content from spreadsheet

Is there any way to import data from a spreadsheet or json file into Squidex via the User Interface?
I see a topic but I can’t fully understand the solution.

No, sorry. You have to use the CLI for that:

Many thanks for your response.
Isn’t an interesting feature request?

Yes and no.

Yes, because it has been requested a few times now.

No, because it is very complicated:

  1. Usually the CSV does not match to the content format. Therefore you need some kind of mapping and a UI to define this mapping.
  2. When you have large CSV files (1 to 5 MB), you need a good upload process.
  3. When you have even larger files you need a system to handle the import in the background, so that it continues when the server crashs or the tab is closed or something like that. Because of the background process you also need a notification system and a UI for the progress.

So all in all I think it is not worth it.

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