We are trying to create a code first approach, so we define schemas rules etc. upfront and syncronize it to all apps by using the CLI tool.
But what i’m lacking is a way to synchronize to all apps, i would like to not to define and maintain a list somewhere. So my idea is that i would be great to create a command in CLI to all apps, so we can fully automate syncronization to all apps.
There is no such an endpoint.
if you know that certain users have access to all apps, you can create a user token in the profile setting and use this token to use the /api/apps
I have added such an endpoint.
Awesome ! Will you be able to provide a 4.x.x image with it ?
It is only a CLI thing, Squidex itself does not require any changes.
There is NO endpoint to get all apps and I am not planning to implement one, because I have to consider the cloud then.
Okay thanks !
I can see there has been som bugfixes that has not been released in the latest 4.x.x version, will you do a minor release with these things
There is nothing critical. I have no plans yet.
Thats true…I can make one for the 4.X for this.
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