[DECLINED] How to use the access token in scripting

Add scripting new Dynamic variable ctx.user.accesstokenCreate
variable details:Name: ctx.user.accesstoken
Type: string
Data: Returns currentUser (ctx.user) valid user access token (same that
is in the Authorization header). If access token needs refresh, then it
should be refreshed automatically.

Why do you need the user token in the script?

For returns currentUser (ctx.user) valid user access token (same that is in the Authorization header). If access token needs refresh, then it should be refreshed automatically.
Is there any way to do that.

No, but the question remains: What are you going to do with the access token.

I was thinking about this and I am not going to implement it. The reason is that the access tokens are only valid in the context of a request and the scripts are also executed in the background, for example in rules and scheduled publishing.

I also do not want that access tokens are sent around.

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