[IMPLEMENTED] Align publishing flow


I think it would be nice to have the scheduled publish added to the publishing functionality from the edit content interface.

Would it also be possible to get the actually publish date out?

It is there:


What do you mean with:

“Would it also be possible to get the actually publish date out?”?

When you first create the content, you have save and publish. But it’s not possible to add scheduled publishing ? Which means that you can by an accident pretty quickly publish something that you shouldn’t.

When you publish, you have publish state for the content and a created and modified date. But you don’t have a date the for the day when the content is published, which often is important for news etc.

We could handle that with the new change where you can define your own columns (not in the cloud yet), you could then also show the next status.

Should be a 20 min task to add that.